
Introduction The usage of Cutback Bitumen in Prime and Tack Coat ensures strong adhesion and enhances the durability of road construction layers. Road construction is a complicated process that requires accuracy, high-quality materials, and the involvement of the latest technologies. From the long list of required materials, bitumen is considered the key material for constructing […]

Description If you have any experience in road construction, you have certainly heard of the names Prime Coat and Tack Coat, but what are Tack Coat and Prime Coat? Both of these methods are based on bitumen and are used in road construction, but there is a lot of difference between Prime Coat, Bitumen, and […]

Introduction This article explores the behavior of Cutback Bitumen in Various Climatic Conditions, highlighting key challenges and strategies to ensure successful implementation. Cutback bitumen is a versatile material widely used in road construction and paving applications, primarily due to its ability to remain workable at lower temperatures compared to traditional bitumen. By incorporating petroleum-based solvents, […]

Introduction Cold asphalt is one of the major materials for road construction and repair works, especially in the case of relatively low traffic or under temporary repair conditions. Unlike the traditional hot mix asphalt, cold asphalt can be laid without heating or any specialized equipment at ambient temperatures. One of the most critical components in […]

Intro Bitumen is literally the backbone of innumerable construction and road-building processes, holding other materials together, keeping their binding properties fresh and strong over years and years. However, of many types of bitumen products available in the market, there are two in particular: namely, cutback and emulsion bitumen. While both have their particular properties, areas […]

Betún oxidado 75/25 Descripción El betún oxidado 75/25 es un grado semisólido de betún de petróleo puro, producido mediante la inyección de aire en un flujo de asfalto. Sus propiedades físicas únicas lo hacen aplicable a una amplia gama de usos en la industria de la construcción. Este grado se obtiene a partir del betún […]

Bitume oxydé 75/25 Description Le bitume oxydé 75/25 est un bitume de pétrole pur de grade semi-solide, produit par insufflation d’air dans un flux d’asphalte. Ses propriétés physiques particulières le rendent applicable à une large gamme d’utilisations dans l’industrie de la construction. Ce grade est obtenu à partir du bitume de pétrole 60/70, oxydé à […]

betume oxidado 75/25 Descrição Betume Oxidado 75/25 é um grau semissólido de betume de petróleo puro, que é produzido por sopro de ar através de fluxo de asfalto. As propriedades físicas peculiares o tornam aplicável em uma ampla gama de usos na indústria da construção. Este grau é obtido a partir do betume de petróleo […]

Descripción del betún oxidado 85/25 El betún oxidado 85/25 es un betún de petróleo de grado oxidado semisólido que se utiliza en las industrias de impermeabilización y revestimiento en proyectos en climas cálidos. Su punto de ablandamiento es de alrededor de 150 °C, lo que lo hace duro y frágil. Este tipo de betún se […]