Gilsonite in chemical combines with many other chemicals and materials that take advantage of its unique physical and chemical properties. Binder and coating applications in metallurgical,wood products, refractory and other industries further demonstrate the versatility and usefulness of this remarkable material.
This material is a non-toxic, non- carcinogenic and cost-effective replacement for natural rubber. Gilsonite is used as a solidifying agent in metal alloys. This material has a high carbon percentage which creates a reductive environment when added to melted steel.
Furthermore, Gilsonite is used as insulated coatings for pipes. This material is a nontoxic gum with excellent adhesiveness. Anti-corrosion coatings which are chemically ineat can be produced from Gilsonite. In the wood and carpentry industry, Gilsonite is used as a solidifying agent (glue). This material is water proof and corrosion resistant. Since Gilsonite is a very hard resin, it produces very hard products. This material is also used in making paints and because of its chemical properties it penetrates the surface of the objects which should be glued together. Moreover, a sticky material is produced from Gilsonite which is resistant against the destructing effects of ultraviolet light.
- High asphaltene content
- High solubility in organic solvents
- High purity and consistent properties
- High molecular weight
- High nitrogen content
metal alloy processing, refractory, steel desulfurization, friction products, wood products, waterproof pipe coatings, and adhesives.
natural asphalt also is used as a binder and mixing agent in steel desulfurization products. It has consistent volatiles that promotes mixing of the other desulfurization chemicals like magnesium and hydrated lime. It will also add carbon content to the steel and will provide a reductive atmosphere as it oxidizes at high temperatures. natural asphalt is used to make waterproof coatings for water pipes. It is a natural non-toxic resin with excellent adhesion properties. A corrosion-resistant, chemically inert pipe coating can be made from Gilsonite. The wood products industry also uses Gilsonite as a binder. It has excellent waterproofing and weather resistant properties. Because Gilsonite is a hard resin it will make a very hard particleboard.