oxidized bitumen msds

Oxidized Bitumen MSDS contains important safety information on handling, storage, and hazards in dealing with oxidized bitumen. Material safety data sheet (MSDS) involves details about the chemical makeup, health hazards, first aid process, and precautionary measures for safe usage within various industrial procedures. Properly interpreting this document guarantees compliance to workplace and environmental safety.

1. Composition/Information on Ingredients

A blend of components derived from crude petroleum oil. Oxidized (Blown) Bitumen is produced by either a staggered or a continuous blowing process. The product contains no dangerous substances according to EC Directive 67/548/EEC and further modifications and adaptations pointed out in this publication.

2. Hazards Identification

  • Inhalation: of vapor or mist can cause headache, nausea, irritation of nose and


  • Eye Contact: with material can cause slight irritation.
  • Prolonged or Repeated Skin Contact: can cause slight skin irritation.
  • Contact with Hot Material: can cause thermal burns which may result in permanent

skin damage. Hot product may cause severe eye burns and/or blindness.

  • Safety Hazards: Not classified as flammable. Contact of hot material with water will

result in vio- lent expansion and splashing or boil-over may occur.

  • Environmental Hazards: Not classified as dangerous for the environment.

3. First Aid Measures

  • General Information: DO NOT DELAY. Keep victim calm and obtain medical

treatment immediately.

  • Eye Contact: If the substance has entered the eyes then irrigate with emergency

eye wash solution (if avail- able) or clean water for up to 15 minutes. Seek medical

attention. If contact with hot product, cool the burn area by flushing with large

amounts of water. Do not attempt to remove anything from the burn area or apply

burn creams or ointments. Cover the burn area loosely with a sterile dressing. All

burns should receive medical at- tention and transport to the nearest medical facility

for additional treatment.

  • Skin Contact: Remove contamination with proprietary skin cleaner, followed by

washing with soap and water. If irritation persists seek medical attention. If contact

with hot product, cool the burn area by flushing with large amounts of water. Do not

attempt to remove anything from the burn area or apply burn creams or ointments.

Cover the burn area loosely with a sterile dressing. All burns should receive medical

attention and transport to the nearest medical facility for additional treatment.

  • Ingestion: Under normal conditions of use this is not expected to be a primary

route of exposure. If swallowed seek medical advice immediately. Do not induce


  • Inhalation: If inhalation occurs, remove the patient into fresh air. Keep warm and

at rest. If rapid recovery does not occur obtain medical attention.

  • Advice to Physician: Do not attempt to remove the product from the skin as it

provides a sterile airtight cover- ing which will eventually fall away with the scab as

the burn heals. If removal is attempted mineral oil or a min- eral oil based ointment

may be applied to help soften the product to facilitate removal.

4. Fire-fighting Measures

  • There are no risks of fire or explosion as the products identified are non[1]combustible. The product is non-flammable but it can cause dangerous fumes if

there is a fire.

  • Specific Hazards: In the event of combustion occurring products may include a

complex mixture of airborne solid and liquid particles and gases (smoke), unidentified

organic and inorganic compounds and carbon monox- ide. Boil over of tanks and

violent eruptions may occur in the presence of water.

  • Suitable Extinguishing Media: Fog, foam or water spray. Carbon dioxide, dry

chemical powder, earth and sand may be used for small fires only.

  • Unsuitable Extinguishing Media: Do not use water in a jet.
  • Protective Equipment for Fire Fighters: Wear proper protective equipment

including breathing apparatus when approaching a fire in a confined space.

5-Handling and Storage

  • Storage: Store in unopened containers and keep dry. Keep the container in a well

ventilated place. Prevent all contact with water and moist atmosphere. Storage

temperature limits are 1°C to 80°C. Comply with all applica- ble EPA, OSHA, NFPA and

consistent State and Local Authority Guidelines.

  • Handling: Avoid prolonged skin contact, avoid contact with eyes. With hot liquid

avoid contact to prevent ther- mal burns. Ensure adequate ventilation. For health

and safety reasons and to maintain quality, do not exceed the industry

recommended storage and handling temperatures.

6-Stability and Reactivity

  • Stable under normal conditions of use.
  • Avoid heating material above the maximum recommended storage and handling

temperatures as this will cause degradation and formation of flammable vapors.

  • Do not allow hot molten material to contact water or other liquids as this can cause

violent eruptions, splatter hot material or ignite flammable material. Avoid contact

with strong oxidizing agents as reactions will occur.

  • Hazardous Decomposition Products: Hydrogen Sulphide Carbon Monoxide and other


7. Toxicological Information

Acute Dermal Toxicity: is expected to below.

  • Acute Inhalation Toxicity: Not considered to be an inhalation hazard under normal conditions of use. Avoid vapors from heated product material to prevent exposure to

potentially toxic/irritating fumes (see 10.0).

  • Skin Irritation: Expected to be slightly irritating. Hot product material will cause

thermal burns and may result in permanent epidermal skin damage.

  • Eye Irritation: Expected to be slightly irritating. Hot product material may cause

severe eye burns or results in blindness.

  • Respiratory Irritation: Inhalation of mists or vapors may cause irritation to the

respiratory system.

  • Carcinogenicity: Under EC criteria Bitumen is not classified as dangerous.

8. Disposal Considerations

  • Material Disposal: Recover spillage and waste and recycle if possible. Comply with all regulations, waste classification, and disposal methods. It is the responsibility

of the waste generator. Do not dispose of drains, sewers, and running water sources.

  • Container Disposal: Comply by regulations and those of local authorities. Collection

of waste should be done by a recognized contractor or collector.

  • Coagulate the dispersion by the stepwise addition of ferric chloride and lime. Remove the clear supernatant and flush it with a chemical sewer. Incinerate liquid

and contaminated solids in accordance with local, state, re- regional, and federal regulations.

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