Rapid Curing

Description Cutback Bitumen RC-800 is Rapid curing (RC) cut-back asphalt consisting of penetration grade asphalt cement and diluent or cutter of rapid volatility. Cutback Bitumen RC-800 complies with cutback petroleum asphalts of the rapid-curing type for use in the construction and treatment of pavements. Cutback Bitumen RC-800 is a rapid curing cutback bitumen that contains […]

Medium Curing Cutback Bitumen The medium curing cutback bitumen is used in the flexible pavements for surface dressing, prime coating, and tack coating. The evaporation of the solvents will be at a moderate rate. This grade is used with aggregates for ensuring better workability in the mix. The degree of evaporation in the medium curing […]

What is Rapid Curing cutback Bitumen? Rapid curing cutback asphalt cement is a combination of light diluents of high volatility, generally in the gasoline or naphtha boiling point range (RC-70, 250, 800, 3000), and asphalt cement. Rapid curing cutback asphalt combinations are prepared to start from the lighter diluents, and even from the fluid of […]