Bitumen VG20

Bitumen VG20 Description

Bitumen VG20 is a type of bitumen-a, a thick, black, sticky product highly popular in the construction industry because of its myriad uses, starting from road construction to waterproofing and roofing.

The “VG” in Bitumen VG 20 is an abbreviation of the term “Viscosity Grade,” while the number “20” defines its viscosity at 60°C.

Bitumen viscosity is the measure of resistance in flowing; it is one of the most basic properties of bitumen, as it dictates its uses for particular applications. Bitumen VG 20 is such a commonly used grade in the road construction activities, particularly for high-temperature areas, as it provides good resistance to rutting and deformation under high traffic loads.

Uses of Bitumen VG20

Bitumen VG20 is a road-laying grade of bitumen, specially designed to be laid on roads in cold weather and high-altitude areas, where the temperature is typically 30 to 37°C. It is optimally used for the production of hot mix asphalt for base courses and wearing courses, having excellent skid resistance and longer-duration durability. The grade also suits best for places like North India, where temperatures are low and bitumen of better workability is needed. In addition, VG20 enhances the flexibility of asphalt, reducing the chance of cracks in cold temperatures, and is therefore ideal for roads that are susceptible to temperature changes.

Difference Between Bitumen VG20 & VG30

The primary difference between Bitumen VG20 and VG30 is their viscosity grade, which determines their application in various climatic conditions and uses. Bitumen VG20 is less viscous than VG30 and thus more suitable for colder climates and areas with lower temperatures since it is more workable at lower temperatures. On the other hand, VG30 has a higher viscosity, providing greater resistance to rutting in warmer climates and, thus, appropriate for regions with warmer temperatures. Both grades provide good durability as well as fatigue cracking resistance, but the VG30 is typically used where heavy-duty performance requires higher stiffness and temperature resistance.


Bitumen VG20 are in different packages including bulk,bags and drums .

New Steel Drums and its available in different sizes of 150 Kg,150 Kg, 180 kg,200 kg ,240 kg and any other customized sizes .

Jumbo Bag is other kind of bitumen packing and its in different size and Diamesion for example: 330 kg , 1000kg.


PropertyUnitsSpecificationTest Method
Penetration at 25°C, 100g, 5sec, Min0.1 MM60IS 1203
Absolute viscosity at 60°Cp1600-2400IS 1206 (Part 2)
Kinematic viscosity at 135°C, MincSt300IS 1206 (Part 3)
Flash point(Cleveland open cup),Min°C220IS 1448 [P : 69]
Solubility in trichloroethylene, Min%Wt.99IS 1216
Softening point (R&B), Min°C45IS 1205
Tests on residue from thin-film oven test:
Viscosity ratio at 60°C, MaxP4.0IS 1206 (Part 2)
Ductility at 25°C, MinCM50IS 1208

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