Difference between APP and SBS waterproofing Bitumen Membrane
Bitumen roll sheet is made from bitumen and fiberglass plus polymers are perfect for waterproofing roofs, basements, below-ground structures, bridges, and other structures. Waterproofing Bitumen Membrane Sheet (Here referred to as WPBS) are the best industrial outcome in the area of waterproofing ever attained by scientific and technological advancement.
In addition to low weight and resistance against cold, heat, expansion, and contraction, shows high endurance being produced in two aluminum-covered and polyethylene film-covered versions.
The process of Waterproofing Bitumen Membrane Sheet can be done by mixing an asphalt emulsion with a polymer. When the mixture is dry, the sheeting is produced through a hot-press machine which melts and coats a metal sheet with a thin layer of bitumen followed by two layers of reinforcement that are also coated beforehand.
The reinforced bitumen membranes (RBM) are the ideal choice for both new build and refurbishment projects. RBM performs excellently over all types of roof decks and insulations. It is also referred to as elastomeric reinforced bitumen membrane (RBM). The life time and expiry of bitumen membrane is between 5 to 10 years.
The extra reinforcement at either side prevents damage from occurring on impact due to curbing, construction equipment, or accidents. In addition, during non-freezing times, these sheets ease transportation as they adapt to temperature fluctuations and shrink less than other bituminous sheets when going through expansion joints on roads and bridges.
PMBS has been found to bring about greater longevity and thermal efficiency in roofing applications. It improves self-healing by preventing cracks from spreading while also creating a waterproof barrier that saves energy. Technonicol offers polymer-bitumen membranes for waterproofing of foundations, engineering structures, roads, bridge decks and flat roofs.
product: APP Modified Bitumen Roll Sheet
The APP Modified Bitumen Roll Sheet, short for Atactic Polypropylene Membrane, is a special waterproofing material that is manufactured from Bitumen. They comes in rolls. Each roll measures 10 meters by 1 meter and covers an area of 8.7 m². With proper workmanship, the APP membrane is a very efficient and durable waterproofing material used in most constructions. It is a common waterproofing material used on concrete flat roofs (which are still roofs) or roofs with low pitch. Apart from concrete roofs and low pitched roofs, other areas of application are concrete gutters, basements and retaining walls.
product: SBS Modified Bitumen Roll Sheet
SBS Modified Bitumen Roll Sheet are SBS (Styrene Butadiene Styrene) rubber modified torch on bitumen membranes that are reinforced with non-woven spun bonded polyester mat having thermo fusible polyethylene film on both sides. They have very good waterproofing qualities combined with excellent flexibility and elasticity. The membrane has very good mechanical properties and durability.These membranes are a kind of modified bitumen membranes that are made from combination of asphalt with rubber to make a superb durable product. This material is a plastic that already has the elastic properties and also it is a magnificent adhesion to the substrate on a flat roof installation.
1-The surface to be covered must be so stable not to displace due to the exertion of the probable weight pressures. Roofs must be covered with light concrete and finished with sand and cement mortar of at least 2 cm in thickness. Already asphalted surfaces do not need sand and cement mortar.
2– The surface to be covered with WPBS must be smooth, clean and dry
3-To increase the adhesion of the WPBS, the surface must be given a layer of primer and fast-drying pitch derivatives.
4-All surfaces must have a slope towards the drain pipe to prevent concentration of water in one area. The maximum recommended slope is 5%
5-Rolls of the WPBS must not be opened in adverse climates like rain, snow, and hail. Each roll of the WPBS must have an overlap of 7-10 cm and an off lap of 15 cm. Gas torch is used for affixing the rolls along their length and overlapping/off lapping parts are spliced with care so that a smooth surface is formed there.
humidity insulators are used in flat and sloping roofs, tunnels, dams, building foundations, pools, balconies, water channels and establishments, industrial pools, storage, …
For Roofs:
A modified bitumen sheet should be used because the original bitumen sheet is too soft to bear significant weight. When you use a polymer-modified bitumen sheet, you can expect tensile strength and abrasion resistance.
For Walls:
The original bituminous sheets are pretty good because of their excellent tensile strength and abrasion resistance. But polymer modified bitumen sheet has better bearing capacity than the original sheet, so it is widely used for exterior walls where possible cracks may occur over time.
Bitumen Roll Sheets are commonly used in roofing applications due to their excellent tensile strength and durability against heat and other elements. The watertight nature and the ability to connect seamlessly make PMBS an ideal choice for covering roofs & industrial floors.
The most common use for PMBS sheets is in road construction. These are lighter than the metal alternatives, so they don’t cause severe road damage or unnecessarily weigh them down. They also provide good resistance against water and wear, making them an ideal choice for highways and other major roads used by vehicles daily.