Oxidized Bitumen

Bitume Oxydé 95/25 Le bitume oxydé 95/25 est un produit de haute qualité, largement utilisé dans diverses applications industrielles. Il est fabriqué par un processus d’oxydation contrôlé, ce qui lui confère une grande stabilité thermique et une résistance accrue dans des conditions de chaleur et de pression. Par rapport aux autres types de bitume, le […]

Betume Oxidado 95/25 descrição O betume oxidado 95/25 é um material de alto desempenho amplamente utilizado em diversas aplicações industriais. Produzido através de um processo de oxidação controlado, ele oferece resistência superior ao calor e maior estabilidade em diferentes condições. Sua maior penetração e ponto de amolecimento mais baixo em comparação com outros betumes oxidados […]

Betún Oxidado 115/15 Descripción El betún oxidado 115/15 es ampliamente conocido por sus propiedades únicas y su versatilidad en diversas aplicaciones industriales. This product, processed under a controlled oxidation process, is characterized by high heat resistance and low penetration, making it ideal for projects requiring durability and reliability. Properties Asfalto Oxidado 115/15 El betún oxidado […]

Bitume Oxydé 115/15 Description Le bitume oxydé 115/15 bénéficie d’une bonne renommée grâce aux propriétés spéciales de ce matériau et sa grande gamme d’applications dans l’industrie. Produit du processus d’oxydation, le produit présente des températures fortes à la chaleur avec faible pénétration. Ses applications répondent parfaitement aux demandes d’une matière très solide et sure, supportant […]

Descrição do Betume Oxidado 115/15 O Betume oxidado 115/15 é um dos produtos mais utilizados na indústria devido às suas propriedades únicas e versatilidade. The oxidized asphalt 115/15 gets its unique properties due to a change in chemical structure via an oxidation process, and therefore, it characteristically exhibits high resistance to heat with low penetration, […]

Introduction Oxidized bitumen, often called blown bitumen, is an incredibly versatile material widely utilized across numerous industries. Through a precise oxidation process, its physical and chemical properties are greatly improved, making it indispensable in fields such as construction, oil, gas, and more. In this article, we delve into the impressive adaptability of oxidized bitumen, showcasing […]

Description Oxidized bitumen, or blown bitumen, stands at the front line in waterproofing various applications of different industries. Its properties, obtained during a controlled process of oxidation, turn this product into one of the most reliable materials for the protection of structures from water influence. It serves very strongly in buildings, infrastructures, and industrial facilities […]

Introduction Sulfonated asphalt, a chemical modification of bitumen, has great importance in the oil and gas industries, particularly in the formulation of drilling fluid. Its role is manifold: enhancing shale stabilization reducing fluid loss providing lubricity Starting with oxidized bitumen, the chemical and physical transformations through which such desired properties are developed are explained in […]

Descrição do betume oxidado Os graus de betume oxidado ou betume soprado são produzidos pela passagem de ar pelos graus de penetração. Isso dá ao betume mais propriedades de borracha, tornando-o mais duro. Além disso, sob condições controladas de temperatura, o betume duro é usado como camada antiderrapante na indústria de estacas, na produção de […]

Description Oxidized bitumen, or blown bitumen, is produced through a controlled oxidation process in which air is blown through hot bitumen under predetermined conditions. The process changes certain physical and chemical properties of bitumen, turning it harder, elastic, and useful for specialized applications. An overview of the production process is as follows: Material Selection Guide […]