South Africa Bitumen Supplier


South Africa, with a fluctuating climate and growing infrastructure needs, is reliant on good-quality bitumen for road building, waterproofing, and industrial applications. As a trusted South Africa Bitumen Supplier, we provide high-quality bitumen in accordance with global standards, assuring long-lasting durability and efficiency in various projects.

Types of Bitumen We Supply

Bitumen 60/70

Bitumen 60/70 is a commonly used penetration-grade bitumen for application to road construction in relatively hot and high-temperature regions. It possesses better adhesion and viscosity, and it is ideal for South Africa’s climate to give roads a long-lasting and low-maintenance surface.

Bitumen 80/100

This less viscous bitumen grade is used in lower-temperature climates or for applications requiring more elasticity. Bitumen 80/100 is used on light-traffic roads, maintenance, and asphalt mixture where higher elasticity is needed to accommodate fluctuating weather conditions in South Africa.

Bitumen 40/50

Bitumen 40/50 is a harder quality with improved toughness, which suits heavy-duty pavements and heavily trafficked roads. Because South Africa has hot summers and random cold spells, the grade is applied on highways and main city roads to prevent rutting and deformation.

Main Uses in South Africa

Road Building & Repairs: Ensuring smooth and durable roads to withstand changing weather patterns.

Asphalt Manufacturing: Used in hot mix asphalt plants for surfacing highways and urban roads.

Industrial Applications: Used in roofing, waterproofing, and insulation applications.

Principal Seaports for Import of Bitumen

  • Durban Port
  • Cape Town Port
  • Port Elizabeth
  • Richards Bay Port

Waterproofing Solutions

Bitumen has significant application in waterproofing use, sealing buildings, bridges, and underground constructions against water. In South Africa, where seasonal rain increases water penetration issues, bitumen-based waterproofing is widely used in:

  • Roofing membranes
  • Foundation coatings
  • Tunnel and bridge protection

Why Choose Us?

We take pride in being one of the leading South Africa Bitumen Suppliers, delivering first-rate bitumen adhering to global and national standards, which assures the toughness and efficacy of your projects. Our pricing process makes affordable options available for every project regardless of its size, so superior bitumen is within reach for a number of our customers. Ensuring timely supply via South Africa’s main ports through our secured supply chain reduces the chances of delayed projects. Furthermore, our technical support team is at your disposal to provide technical guidance and help you select and use the right bitumen that suits your specific needs. Partner with South Africa Bitumen Supplier for quality bitumen solutions that meet South Africa’s infrastructure requirements!


Bitumen 60/70

Bitumen 60/70Test methodUnitSpecification
Specific gravity @ 25°CASTM D70Kg/cm31.01/1.06
Penetration @ 25°CASTM D5mm/1060/70
Softening point °CASTM D36°C49/56
Ductility @25 °CASTM D113cm100 min
Loss on heating(wt) %ASTM D6wt %0.2 max
Drop in penetration after heating %ASTM D5-D6%20 max
Flashpoint °CASTM D92°C232 min
Solubility in TrichloroethyleneASTM D2042wt %99 min
Spot testA.A.S.H.O.T102Negative

Bitumen 80/100

Bitumen 80/100Test methodUnitSpecification
Specific gravity @ 25°CASTM D70Kg/cm31.01/1.06
Penetration @ 25°CASTM D5mm/1080/100
Softening point °CASTM D36°C42/50
Ductility @25 °CASTM D113cm100 min
Loss on heating(wt) %ASTM D6wt %0.2 max
Drop in penetration after heating %ASTM D5-D6%20 max
Flashpoint °CASTM D92°C250 min
Solubility in CS2(wt) %ASTM D4wt %99.5 min
Spot testA.A.S.H.O.T102Negative

Bitumen 40/50

Bitumen 40/50Test methodUnitSpecification
Specific gravity @ 25°cASTM D70Kg/cm31.01/1.06
Penetration @ 25°cASTM D5mm/1040/50
Softening point °cASTM D36°C52/60
Ductility @25 °cASTM D113cm100 min
Loss on heating(wt) %ASTM D6wt %0.2 max
Drop in penetration after heating %ASTM D5-D6%20 max
Flash point °cASTM D92°C250 min
Solubility is CS2(wt) %ASTM D4wt %99.5 min
Spot testA.A.S.H.O.T102_____Negative

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